7 Reasons You Need To Get Your Cat Groomed Today

There are many benefits to regular cat grooming. Read on to find out why you need to get your cat groomed today!

Cat grooming!? But why... cat's groom themselves! Well yes, cat's do groom themselves. They are meticulous creatures and they lick their fur until every hair is in place. In doing so they deposit saliva all over their body and ingest dirt and hair that you will later find on the floor - probably with your foot! They do their best but their best just really isn't cutting it. Not convinced? Read on to find out more benefits to having your cat groomed regularly.

1) Reduce Shedding: Cat's shed - A LOT, especially those short haired cats! Cats shedding their fur is actually due to light availability and not temperature as most think. Because days become shorter in the winter and longer in the summer the shedding is cyclical with the seasons. Usually you will notice that your cat sheds a lot during the fall to make room for the winter coat and again in the spring when their summer coat come in. That being said, many cats are indoor only and the artificial lighting can confuse their body and cause shedding all throughout the year. This is where regular grooming comes into play. Once you have your cat on a regular 4-6 week grooming schedule, you will begin to see less hair laying around the house. Regular bathing and combing removes the dead hair and undercoat so that it doesn't end up on your couch, your clothes, or caught in the corner of your stairs. The Dapper Cat also offers a de-shedding treatment during those heavy shedding times. Don't resign to "live with" the hair since you love your cat. This is a problem that has a very easy solution. Contact The Dapper Cat and we can take the hair away!

2) Reduce Allergies: I know several people who LOVE cats but are also allergic to cats. Let me tell you - you do not have to re-home your furry friend! People who are allergic to cats are not actually allergic to their fur. They are allergic to the protein found in the cat's saliva and dander (dried skin flakes) that accumulate on the fur. Once the protein is removed - no more sneezing and itchy, watery eyes! Regular bathing of your cat removes the saliva and dander that has been building up on the hair and causing your misery. We can place your cat on a bathing schedule and see what works best for you. There are cats that are bathed anywhere from every 2 to every 6 weeks. It all depends on how sensitive your body is to the protein.

3) No More Hairballs: Ick ick ick! All cat lovers have had the experience of coming across a hairball on the floor at the least opportune moment. Your Great Aunt Ethel is coming and she is greeted at the door by a kitty in the throws of regurgitating on the floor. Or you are walking blindly to the bathroom in the middle of the night and slip across the floor as your foot finds a nice juicy hairball. *shudders* Okay - you get the picture! Hairballs are disgusting but they are completely preventable! As we stated before, cats are meticulous and will lick their fur all throughout the day. In doing so they ingest all kinds of hair and dirt and nasty things. When the body cannot digest these items the cat throws it up onto your floor. So how do we keep this from happening? Remove the hair and dirt before the cat can ingest it! Place your cat on a grooming schedule of 4-6 weeks and you will never clean up a hairball again.

4) Less Expense: So we just talked about hairballs but there are times when your cat in unable to get the ball of fur out of their digestive system and it becomes impacted. This means surgery and hefty vet bills. We never want to be in that situation or have our cat in such distress.

Here is another example, a little less severe. Grooming can be expensive especially if not done regularly. You are probably thinking - wait... did I read that right? It is more expensive the less frequently I have my cat groomed? Yes, that is correct! Here is a scenario, you adopted a long haired kitty and you aren't used to the care necessary to maintain the coat. You begin to notice little mats here and there but life is busy and your forget all about it. You notice kitty is looking a little lumpy and you try to find a groomer but don't have a lot of luck. More time passes and kitty has a hard coat almost like a turtle shell and you know you must do something right now. You contact me, The Dapper Cat! We understand your situation, as we have been there once too. We can remove the coat and start fresh. You will have the standard groom price, the mat removal, pelt removal, fecal removal, aggressive cat fee perhaps... you are looking at a price tag of upwards of $250 for a single grooming session. Now, we have packages available that will help you pay for this at a smaller monthly fee but it doesn't have to be this way. Sometimes, it cannot be helped but with education it doesn't have to happen anymore. If you place your cat on a regular grooming schedule you do not have the additional surcharges and you will only be paying the standard groom rate. 

5) No More Mats: We already talked about the expense of having mats removed now lets talk about what they are and how they are formed. Cats are oily creatures. The sebaceous glads produce oil on the skin and hair. The cat "grooms" their fur depositing saliva among the oil. This produces a very sticky situation. The oil and saliva attract dirt and the motion of the cat walking around causes the hairs to rub together with the oil, saliva, and dirt. Your cat sheds fur but the the fur doesn't fall off the cat, it stays in place. The hairs stick together and through friction and time you have a matted ball of fur. If left to continue, the little balls of fur become intertwined with other balls of fur and you have a large mat. This mat can grow to form what is called a pelt. A pelt is a thick hard shell of matted fur that can restrict movement of the cat, cause pain, and in extreme circumstances make it impossible for the cat to release it's bowel. Nobody wants to see a cat in these conditions. Regular grooming make it so that your cat is always comfortable and never in pain.

6) Less Stress: First of all, The Dapper Cat is a house call cat grooming service so we come to your home and groom your cat where it already feels comfortable. Cats do not like to travel in the car for any reason so we will eliminate that stress right away. Next, if cat grooming is new to you as it was to me, your cats are not going to be used to getting washed with soap and water and dried with a towel and dryer. There may be a period of time necessary to allow your cat to be acclimated to the process. Through regular grooming, your cat is going to remember the process and know that they feel better and happier once they have been groomed. They will learn there is nothing to fear and they will not be hurt. If groomed regularly, your cat will see grooming as a minor annoyance that results in a crisp clean body and usually kitty treats and toys. If your cat is only groomed once a year, they will associate grooming as a punishment. They will see it as something that is painful, as mats are being removed and scary, as the sights and sounds are unfamiliar.

7) Super Soft Touchable Fur: This is my favorite benefit of all! Have you ever touched a kitten, whose fur is so new and so soft? Of course, all of us have! As they grow up they grow adult hair and it's still soft but it's not the same. Then over time, dirt and dander accumulate and oil binds it all together and touching our cat can become less enjoyable. There are times when I've petted a cat and felt that I need to go wash my hands because they felt dirty. Another example, I've touched a cat and then fur is stuck to my clothes, my hands, and my nose! When you have your cat bathed on a regular schedule your cat will be softer than you've ever felt. You can finally enjoy the whole petting experience! Really get in there with your hands and your face - breathe in the clean fresh scent!

So the bottom line here is you need to get your cat on a regular grooming schedule every 4 to 6 weeks. The benefits are endless and absolutely worth the price you will pay! Your cat will look and feel better and you will feel better too!

Contact Us Today- Text, Call, Email, Message on Facebook - whichever works best for you. Don't go another day with fur all over your home. Go Ahead.. right now!

330-614-0804 -  Kimberly@TheDapperCat.com - @thedappercatgrooming